CARWIZ rent a car confirms global expansion at the WTM London

At this year's WTM in London, Carwiz, a global rent-a-car company, confirms the success of their franchise business model, which they offer in 15 countries around the world.
The current situation in the industry shows that despite the demanding market and a growing number of competitors, companies which excel in everyday business, take care of clients and support their partners, successfully achieve their business goals. The quality of franchise management and the support which Carwiz offers, have been recognized as the main condition of company growth. The interest for Carwiz's franchise model from around 20 countries confirms this:
„The interest shown comes from European, American and even, to us, exotic far away lands thanks to the service we offer our partners- from everyday contact no matter the time difference and mentoring, up until their full independence, a phase we support from the background. The anticipated expansion by the end of this year is to 20 further countries. A big number of partnerships has been achieved thanks to our visual identity, which has proven to be very popular, and the success we've achieved in just 2 years of doing business while establishing ourselves as the front runners of the industry. “ said Dobrilović about the events happening during the WTM.
Carwiz team with franchise partners from Greece
Interest from countries such as Qatar, India, Mauritius, the Dominican Republic, Florida and Azerbaijan, shows that a global brand can improve local business and its importance while achieving bigger sales, i.e. Carwiz's global brand presence indicates that the price is not the most important market factor.
Carwiz team with franchise partner from Malta
The Carwiz Croatia team was joined by franchise partners from Greece, Serbia, Iceland, Malta, Poland and Turkey, pointing out their contentment with given support, system upgrades and service refining. The WTM is an opportunity for franchise partners to exchange experiences, establish new contacts and also represents the beginning of a new season, 2020.
World known WTM in London has presented trends, challenges and innovation, gathering key members of the travel industry. It is estimated that more than 50 thousand people visited this year's WTM, including business presenters, agents, investors, media, and even ministers, senior official and key stakeholders from around the world.
Projekt je sufinancirala Europska unija iz Europskog fonda za regionalni razvoj. Sadržaj publikacije isključiva je odgovornost Carwiz d.o.o.