Special offers - Croatia

I'm on the road tomorrow! What about you?

Travel with great rental prices!

I'm on the road tomorrow! What about you?

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Longer days and warmer weather make us want to travel, but being informed and safe is the most important part of planning your trip. 

If there are no travel restrictions, hit the road with a Carwiz vehicle, which keeps you safe from any infection risks and makes the journey much quicker than public transport. 

A shorter trip is essential in today's time of negative tests and their expiration, while also making your trip as quick as possible. 

So, we're on the road tomorrow, you should join us! We've prepared special discount prices, available online, via e-mail at reservations@carwiz.hr, or at +385 1 4094 444.


P.S Don't know where to go? Get inspired by our wonderful experiences and past trips!