Eighteen percent more fatal accidents occurr during the summer months of June through August compared to the winter months of December through February.
Multiple factors contribute to this spike in crashes including increased road congestion due to vacation travel and a rise in road constuction.
To make travel easier, alongside cheap car rental prices, we've also prepared a few tips for you:
Tip 1.
Check your tires to stay safe and save money. Well-maintained tires provide protection against avoidable breakdowns and crashes, improved vehicle handling, better fuel economy, and increased tire life.
If you're renting a car this is a tip you will not need to pay attention to, as all of our vehicles are equipped with new summer tires.
Tip 2.
When packing for a trip, don’t exceed your car’s payload capacity.
Every owner’s manual has information about the maximum weight of all cargo and passengers your vehicle can safely carry. Before heading out, also double check that you can clearly see out of all your windows.
Tip 3.
Manage glare and heat. Keep sunglasses handy and use a sun shield beneath your windshield when parked to keep your car’s interior heat down. Never leave a child or a pet unattended in a vehicle. The summer sun can also dehydrate you during long roads trips so always travel with plenty of water.
Tip 4.
Manage summer allergies. Driving with distracting allergy symptoms such as runny eyes, frequent sneezing, congestion and exhaustion can be dangerous. Plus, many prescription allergy medications contain ingredients that make you drowsy. If you’re planning to drive, talk to your doctor or pharmacist to make sure your allergy medications won’t impact your alertness or energy.
Tip 5.
Summer storms — and even sunshowers — require extreme caution. Roads become very slippery in the first few minutes of rainfall because the rain mixes with the oil and dirt on the road. It takes about 30 minutes of steady rain to wash the oil and dirt off the road.
Tip 6.
Share the road. Warm weather means more bicycles and motorcycles on the road.
Never share lanes with motorcycles, as they also have use of the complete traffic lane.
Increase your following distance to four seconds or more when behind motorcycles.
Where will you be traveling this summer? Let us know your favorite summertime destinations and your best advice for getting there safely.